My music player project – Quarantine 19 (started during my quarantine…)

This youtube does not have sound. Can you please upload the same with sound?

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Would help me building the same please?

“…the case is from china , I did the drills and labels at a local place, case is about 50$ plus shipment”

Do you have the link to where you bought this from?

buying is not enough… need some knowledge in electronics, soldering, programming and a lot of free time

Yes, your are wright, I meant if this is a plugin and if I have conected all the lcds I will have the same results or this is done by yourself with your own code and is not a plugin…

I plan to upload my code to a giithub so you are welcome to use it

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Impressive! Well done.

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Very well done, and it looks like you have nailed the professional look and software that does what you want. I thing I am curious about though, is the LCD display I have several and they all work, I am using pydpiper plugin, did you use pydpiper as the basis or completely your own. I am happy with the way mine works as I dont have the skillset to write code.


No I didn’t use pydipper. I used this" as a base, but I eventually replaced 90% from his code. Actually it helped me with all the Volumio plugin skeleton code. but I replaced the code with my own

Sounds good but I dont know how to use github but it sounds like you know what you are doing. Oh and I dont use Volumio 2 only the free one.

I love the way you have solved the housing problem! It does not matter how it looks inside; it’s not a commercial product: the way it sounds and the cost are what matter most! I’ll be looking for Alu cases on AliExpress and Banggood, or do you have other suggestions?

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For me the issue with the case price was the cost of the shipment with eBay it was the cheapest

Hi ofiras,

Your amazing project made me register on this rival player forum :wink: Congratulations with really great implementation of the player!

I hope you use the latest PeppyMeter code. It has many improvements. You mentioned that you made some modifications in the peppyalsa plugin and PeppyMeter. If you think that others could also benefit from those changes please let me know and I’ll be glad to add them to the main code base.

You may experience the issue (slowness) with PeppyMeter when you switch between Web Radio stations. There is a bug in ALSA. If you faced this issue please let me know and I’ll explain how to patch it.

One more time - great job with hardware and clever usage of the different software pieces :+1:

Best regards

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Really nice project!! Looks great! I would love to build something like this. Will you add step by step instructions? I’m sure many are thinking “how can I get one!!?” :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot,
It’s great to get this comment from you! :relaxed:, you certainly have a big important part in this project.
also because your code is well written and well documented its was much easy to integrated with it and change it to my needs.
Most of the changes where in the peppymeter I added “select” mode (based on the random) so I can change the VUMeter style with a click. also I added a new Meter by extending the Meter Class and add all the title metadata. I added another view for the meter to move with the progress time of the title instead of it’s volume Also I add to the I2C meters a support with 12 leds.
just before I finished the project I saw that you uploaded a new version with the smooth parameter. I merged your new code with mine and it was a big improvement ! the meter become much more realistic.
I will glad to share my code with the community. the only problem is the the changes is very specific to my player and not as generic as your code. For example I took care only with the medium meters, I integrated with Volumio status for the metadata etc.
Maybe I will send you the code by your support email and you will see if it can be useful.
I didn’t change the peppyalsa, but I found an issue with DSD, I understand that it support only PCM but somehow when setting the mpd.conf to use directDSD with ppepyalsa, mpd converts the DSD to PCM.
I didn’t notice an issues with web radio , maybe it because I don’t use web radio very much…
the main usage for me is for Tidal steaming and local HDD and it works just great.
Thanks again,

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I have some question regarding peppy meter

  1. For the leds array did you use the mcp23017 module like in raspbery forum or other solution,
  2. Led array, it was built by you? I guess yes, I saw some online models but I guess do not have the resistors atached.
  3. Could you please point me a led array also with or without resistor.
    I want to test this vu meter stuff.
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  1. yes I used the same as at:
    just with 12 lads array
  2. yes it comes without resistors, need to do some soldering…
  3. sorry I don’t know if there is leds that comes with the resistors
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a really step by step I cant promise , but I hope to fine time the explain the major steps and reference to the other details

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Regarding led array, I find only orizontal lines, I see that yours is on vertical line. It looks more nice. Do you have a link pls.