Mount NAS with utf8 encoding?

How can I mount a NAS (actually, a samba share configured in a PC) with utf8 encoding? Or why is this not working?

I configured the resource with the WebUI, added “iocharset=utf8” in the options box, but it is mounted without it:

[code]$ mount
//HIRUNDO/Música on /mnt/NAS/Música type cifs (ro,relatime,vers=1.0,sec=none,cache=strict,domain=HIRUNDO,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,unix,posixpaths,serverino,mapposix,acl,rsize=1048576,wsize=65536,actimeo=1)

$ ls /mnt/NAS/Música

(by the way, I cannot type the “ú” in the remote terminal, I have to use TAB to autocomplete… even though it works in local terminals)

I’ve tried unmounting, rebooting, etc. The “iocharset=utf8” still appears in the WebUI and in /data/configuration/system_controller/networkfs/config.json

Unicode is the default for linux CIFS mounts, so mount doesn’t show it in the options list for the mounted filesystem, even though it is enabled. You can tell it is enabled by the accented u in Musica in your shell prompt.

In your example the ‘ls’ command doesn’t intrepret the unicode filenames correctly as shows ?? instead. Try setting your LANG environment variable with:

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

which sets the locale for the C runtime library that ls uses to interpret the filename contents.

In fact, the network filesystem manager for volumio specifies iocharset=utf8 for all CIFS filesystems mounts, so even if it wasn’t the default, volumio would do the right thing.

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