I have been successfully using Volumio with an OpenMediaVault NAS for several months now.
The other day we had a blackout due to a thunderstorm and when power came back I found that the SD Card on the Volumio PI2 was corrupted.
I had a backup of the SD Card but not with the Playlists I had created.
I would like to move the playlist folder to the OpenMediaVault NAS but haven’t come up with the correct entry in the mpd.conf on the PI2 setup.
I automatically backup the NAS server to another NAS on a daily basis.
I created a new folder on the OpenMediaVault NAS in the root called Playlist.
I believe I correctly gave it the correct permission set (777).
I have modest Linux skills but decades of IT experience.
My NAS mount in Volumio is /NAS/UDOOSSD
The entry I placed in the mpd.conf file is as follows:
playlist_directory “/mnt/NAS/UDOOSSD/Playlists”
I commented out the original entry.
When I can perform the Save playlist function in Volumio is completes without error but the playlist never gets added to the browse tab.
Additionally, with the recreated setup the library tab doesn’t populate with library info. It just a continuous spinning arrow.
Previously it worked fine after reducing the main music repository to just under 10K.
I would truly appreciate any insight someone may have as to the issue with the playlist and library function.
Thanks in advance