Logitec Squezebox player plugin

Just tried, does not work for me. What should be the difference?

The way the soundcard is called, it’s all supported, you might need to read into this. It’s not something I can easily fix for you.
Maybe the plughw mode is even better, depending on your setup.

The way the soundcard is called seems to change nothing for me. But this is not a big problem, just switching the sqeezeplayer off when leaving, and the plugin is awsome anyway!

nice work squeezeplugin works fine :smiley:

I have installed the Squeezelite player plugin and activated it, and restarted volumio, but I don’t see any change at all. I have also changed the output device settings to every selection and some will play music in volumio as usual. Others give the error: Failed to open “alsa” [alsa]; Failed to open ALSA device “hw:1,0”:Device or resource busy.
Is there supposed to be some obvious evidence of a change in the player? Shouldn’t I see some listing of the media being served by LMS on my Win7 computer. The LMS web control panel on my win7 computer does see the “Volumio” player, but I see no evidence in volumio that squeezelite is active or able to see the LMS library media.

I am trying this because the volumio set up of Network drives is far too complex for the average user and I’m trying to find a simpler way to use my wifi to play music from my computer drives. I was hoping using squeezelite on the RPi and LMS on my win7 computer would do this.
Am I expecting the wrong results here?

Thanks in advance ;^)

Hello everyone!
I downloaded and installed volumio-squeezelite-plugin.zip file. In squeezlite player settings i get “No Configuration Available”.
In settings Logitech media player i got “Your player was not found”
Did I do something wrong?

VERSION: 2.657

Hi both,

If the you see ALSA errors, try using a dmix device instead, this is the same as with the piCore player, you just need to select the correct output device.

As for no configuration, this sounds like an installation problem, on what platform are you running? I just tested this for you and it works on my Pi3B right out of the box, when installing from the plugin store.

Hello, thx for Your answer. My platform is pc. I thing i’m wrong installed plugin. How to correctly install this plugin from github on volumio terminal? Could You like to past here all command (step by step) please? Forgive me i’m a linux newbie. Best Regards.
When i try install i get error:

volumio@volumio:~/master/volumio-squeezelite-plugin-master$ volumio plugin install

This command will install the plugin on your device

Compressing the plugin
No modules found, running “npm install”
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
Plugin succesfully compressed
/bin/mv: target ‘/tmp/plugins/squeezelite.zip’ is not a directory
throw err;

Error: Command failed: /bin/mv *.zip /tmp/plugins/squeezelite.zip
/bin/mv: target ‘/tmp/plugins/squeezelite.zip’ is not a directory

at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:601:13)
at execSync (child_process.js:641:13)
at install (/volumio/pluginhelper.js:688:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (/volumio/pluginhelper.js:749:9)
at Module._compile (module.js:652:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:663:10)
at Module.load (module.js:565:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:505:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:497:3)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:693:10)



Just received my Volumio Primo (Volumio version 2.699) and installed Squeezelite Player (1.1.1) plugin.
I also installed LMS plugin as well but when starting it I couldn’t find Squeezelite player.
Tried to go to Squeezelite Player Plugin Settings but I get “No Configuration Available” message so no way to select a specific audio output.

I read on other posts that is generally down to plugin install issue, so tried to uninstall/install few times, but still the same result :cry:

I’m a complete noob so I have no clue how I could install plugins other than via Volumio UI for the Primo.

Any idea what could be wrong there ?

Thanks in advance !

Hi there,

I don’t think the Squeezelight binary is ready for x86, that’ll probably explain.
You could try to recompile, the source should be on Github iirc


Hello @saiyato I have two questions:

  1. I am using volumio squeezelite plugin, I use Tidal from there. I want to know if when I play in Master quality it does it in 24 bits as it does from Volumio.
  2. At home I have a PC connected to the network by cable and a notebook connected by Wi-Fi. LMS from the PC works correctly, I see Volumio as a player. If I install LMS on the notebook I don’t see Volumio as a player. Some explanation?
    Very grateful for the attention.

Hi Daniel,

By default the squeezelite process will look for servers (if not specified explicitly using the -s parameter) and connect to the first one it discovers. This means it will not automatically show up on new instances of LMS. You’ll have to point the process there with the -s parameter:

-s <server>[:<port>]  Connect to specified server, otherwise uses autodiscovery to find server

See: this page

Thanks @Saiyato, I solved point 2). What can you tell me about point 1)?

I am trying out the Asus Tinker Board S, but it apparently cannot run Squeezelite properly. From the Volumio Live Log, it appears that the plugin looks for a Pi-specific file, libwiringPi.so:

info: squeezelite reloaded 
volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl restart squeezelite 
pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) 
Starting Squeezelite lightweight headless Squeezebox emulator... 
Started Squeezelite lightweight headless Squeezebox emulator. 
/opt/squeezelite: error while loading shared libraries: libwiringPi.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 
squeezelite.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=127/n/a 
Unit squeezelite.service entered failed state.  

Do you know of a fix for this?
I tried the change to the ExecStart line on Squeezelite plugin on Asus Tinkerboard S , also the chmod, but it didn’t help either (which seems logical, as that probably won’t fix a missing file).
Thanks in advance for any info!

Hi, where in the settings can you do this? I can;t find it anywhere.


Did you ever get this sorted? In the same place.

1 Like

Apparently these plugins are simply not working for the Primo

Some plugins rely on 3rd party binaries, which are compiled for specific architectures. This is also the case for Squeezelite, it runs perfectly on Pi’s, but that doesn’t really help you. iirc somewhere along the road I did add the x86 binary… but I’m not so sure now :wink:

is it possible to install an lms client in volumio which lms server in roon will recognize? what kind of plug is it?
thank you


Are you really going to start this discussion on every possible plugin/topic?
Please stop doing this, download Ropieee and buy a std 7Inch display and roon the crap out of it. :slight_smile: