Michelangelo, nothing malicious wrt SD card image. Sorry for delay in replying about this - I’ve been all over the place this past few weeks.

It’s standard volume 1.51 with IQaudIO preset, intended to get people going.

I received loads of emails about not being able to easily configure Volumio at start.

If you want me to remove it just ask and i’ll do so - there’s no single code change - it’s not built from source or anything.

Hope you can give posthumous approval.

Very best regards,


Hi Gordon, no problem for having the image there. Just wondering why you didn’t mention to me… Next time just ask… :wink:

This looks interesting. Roughly what is the power into 8ohms?

With it being a class D amp why does it need the Pi-DAC+ too?

I notice Hifiberry have a similar offering which doesn’t need an additional DAC.

probable around 15w into 8ohm

the 3118 is not a DAC its an amplifier so still needs an analog stage in front (DAC).

the simple reason we did this was to support 96 and 192 media. Combined digital dac/amp solutions are/were limited to 44/48 and not suitable. We spent a great deal of effort on a combined solution before killing it off as a project. It is however something we may return to in the future but 192 / 96 HD audio playback is important to us and our customers.

Having both dac and amp separate also provides headphone (with amp mute) and line out in parallel rather than just speaker out.

best regards,

Thanks for explaining.