Ian Canada FifoPiMa with ProtoDAC no sound

success of sorts. I now get sound. I rebooted several times, no problem. However, one channel is not working. Could that be related to what we did in the config?
I will set up Moode to see if I have the 2nd channel issue.

I was not able to thank you yesterday as the platform did not let me continue due to the fact that it was my first day. They limit the amount you can post the first day.

I want to thank you both very much for the help you gave me. I greatly appreciate it!

Everything is working as it should.

But FYI. I was having problems connecting my Spotify and so in the process of troubleshooting I went back and re-inserted the stuff we erased in the config file. All the times I have rebooted, it still works with the config file as original. The Spotify ended up being nothing, I just forgot to sign in to Spotify within Volumio.

I guess a final question is - Should I erase that info in the config file? I suppose I leave it alone since it is working.

Anyways, again, Thanks

if it works, don’t touch it :upside_down_face:

the indication to remove parts of the config file was a trial&error approach to make your system working