I needed to activate "not safe access" from Group Policy to be able to read the USB attached drive

My first days on a Raspberry and Volumio.

I wasn’t able to enter the drive connected to the RPi usb from Windows. Among the others, I got this error (I’m Italian then my system is too):


(You can’t access this shared folder because your organization’s security policies block unauthenticated guest access)

As suggested here (check the Group Policy solution), I did what in the subject.
Though, my concern is now anybody connected to my wifi might access it. Not that I have many persons connected to my home network but, as a principle, I prefer doing everything in the proper way and be safe.
How should I set the share up for the it to ask for a username and a password?

I know this is not much related to Volumio per se but I’m not Linux literate as you can see!

Check here:

Thanks Wheaten.
Sharing it was quite easy. Just wondering how to make it the safe way.
I’ll give your link a look. Thanks again

Probably I haven’t been clear. I’ve edited the post too to avoid misunderstandings. The drive I shared is the one connected to the RPi usb port.
Yes I know even the Microsoft page seems to be related to Windows acting as a samba server but the tweak of group policy works when it’s acting as a client too.
What I would like is setting Volumio for asking credentials when I open the shared drive in windows

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So in short.
You’re trying to connect from windows to the USB disk connected to the rPi?

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I don’t think there is much you can do. I guess your using a company laptop or a system in a domain?
if you add an additional security layer it will break Volumio.
Dropped a question at Volumio Dev’s. I will report back the answer.

No company laptop. No system in a domain. Just my home computer

I finally found it after digging here and there on the web.
For not enablig the unauthenticated log-in in Windows’ Group Policy, one needs to edit the Volumio’s smb.conf file as follows: in the [global] section, put a “#” here:
#map to guest = Bad User (only as a backup)
and add the line:
map to guest = Never

From now on, it will require username and password. I added the “volumio” user to the samba shares but I guess one can add a new user too.

Just for those who are beginners like me, for adding a user:
sudo smbpasswd -a <username>

and he will be requested for the password of the new user.

Hope this will help someone else too