I cannot Login with FTP

Hello, I cannot Login with FTP Client ( Windows PC to NUC PC with Volumio) Please help me. Thanks

Hi Mark,

Could you please share more details on this? Do you see the volumio device on your local network, and its IP? Is it a matter of credentials (username/password)? What FTP client are you using?

have you looked at these steps?

You need to use SFTP, not FTP (see @Wheaten post above)

I use FileZilla FTP with SFTP Port 22, Name and Pass: volumio. It tells me that the credentials are not right. I see the Nuc PC with Volumio in the network

username: volumio
password: volumio

Did you change passwords?
Did you enable ssh?

SFTP, not FTP (and you need to enable SSH)

Now is ok. The SSH was not enable.