How do I use Spotify?

Hello again

I tried downloading the updated index.js but ran into a couple of problems.

My first attempt at grabbing the file, resulted in me downloading a file of about 500k.
After using Filezilla to SSH FTP the file into the appropriate directory, Volumio did not run.

After examining what I had downloaded, I discovered it was an html file - Oops!

I wrote a new volumio image to the SD card, and tried again. Volumio started and I reconfigured everything successfully.

I then tried again to download the correct index.js file. This looked OK when I examined it, but when I FTP it to Volumio, the system would not run.

Maybe I will wait for the updated plugin.




Thanks skikirkwood

I tried again this morning, copied index.js from my Raspberry Pi using Filezilla.
Changed lines 640, 690, 729 and 780, by adding {limit : 50}
Wrote the modified file back to the Pi.

Spotify now shows all moods / genres.

Finger trouble somewhere in the process earlier this week.

Thanks again,



Great it worked! We’re working on creating a MyVolumio site right now, that will support Spotify OAuth integration. With that, we’ll be able to tap into the entire Spotify Web API to access a user’s personal content such as their favorite artists, tracks, albums, etc., along with using new API features to create Spotify Radio playlists based upon tracks/albums/artists.

Hopefully we’ll surpass the Spotify Web player experience in Volumio2 yearly next year!

In any way, Balbuze has created an awesome Spotify connect plugin. You’ll be able to find that on the forum easily. That way you can just control Spotify from the app on your phone/laptop, but it doesn’t use the battery like airplay as it streams directly to the Pi.

I use the Spotify Connect plugin a lot and it’s great. But I also like the usage scenario of mixing in music from my personal library, playing Web radio stations, and Spotify in an integrated manner, hence my use of the Spotify plugin.


Yep, I use both spotify and the spotify direct plugin. The more integration the better for me :smiley: especially with playlists…

now playlists/queues need some tlc … they certainly don’t work as advertised atm. Random & consume don’t work correctly all the time; importing playlists would be good too.

I am currently using Volumio 2 on a RPi 2, and the music comes from a NAS server. Works great. The Spotify plugin is installed and active. When I click on it in the Browse window, Volumio returns a screen with nothing in it. No playlists, artists, albums, etc. Nothing appears. I have a premium family account in Spotify and the ID and password are correct. This makes Spotify impossible to use as nothing can be selected. Any help would be appreciated.

Can you post the contents of /var/log/volumio.log from your RPi, and we can take a look to see what’s up here. Thanks.

I am accessing the RPi via Putty. How do I retrieve the log file to post it

When you’re on the RPi via Putty just type:

cat /var/log/volumio.log

That will display the entire log file. Just cut and paste it here and we can take a look at it.

The log is pasted below.

Thanks for your help.


2016-12-31T01:30:00.523Z - info: -------------------------------------------
2016-12-31T01:30:00.616Z - info: ----- Volumio2 ----
2016-12-31T01:30:00.622Z - info: -------------------------------------------
2016-12-31T01:30:00.628Z - info: ----- System startup ----
2016-12-31T01:30:00.630Z - info: -------------------------------------------
2016-12-31T01:30:02.855Z - info: Plugin folders cleanup
2016-12-31T01:30:02.862Z - info: Scanning into folder /volumio/app/plugins/
2016-12-31T01:30:02.879Z - info: Scanning category audio_interface
2016-12-31T01:30:02.889Z - info: Scanning category miscellanea
2016-12-31T01:30:02.909Z - info: Scanning category music_service
2016-12-31T01:30:02.932Z - info: Scanning category plugins.json
2016-12-31T01:30:02.939Z - info: Scanning category system_controller
2016-12-31T01:30:02.962Z - info: Scanning category user_interface
2016-12-31T01:30:02.975Z - info: Scanning into folder /data/plugins/
2016-12-31T01:30:02.985Z - info: Scanning category music_service
2016-12-31T01:30:03.005Z - info: Plugin folders cleanup completed
2016-12-31T01:30:03.017Z - info: Loading plugins from folder /volumio/app/plugins/
2016-12-31T01:30:03.121Z - info: Loading plugins from folder /data/plugins/
2016-12-31T01:30:03.164Z - info: Loading plugin “system”…
2016-12-31T01:30:03.726Z - info: Loading plugin “appearance”…
2016-12-31T01:30:07.204Z - info: Loading plugin “network”…
2016-12-31T01:30:07.933Z - info: Loading plugin “services”…
2016-12-31T01:30:07.995Z - info: Loading plugin “alsa_controller”…
2016-12-31T01:30:09.080Z - info: Loading plugin “volumio_command_line_client”…
2016-12-31T01:30:09.150Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
2016-12-31T01:30:09.170Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
2016-12-31T01:30:09.177Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
2016-12-31T01:30:09.455Z - info: Loading plugin “volumiodiscovery”…
2016-12-31T01:30:10.068Z - info: Applying required configuration parameters for plugin volumiodiscovery
2016-12-31T01:30:10.351Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , registerCallback
2016-12-31T01:30:10.361Z - info: Loading plugin “upnp”…
2016-12-31T01:30:10.411Z - info: [1483147810405] Starting Upmpd Daemon
2016-12-31T01:30:10.504Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , registerCallback
2016-12-31T01:30:10.512Z - info: Loading plugin “airplay_emulation”…
2016-12-31T01:30:10.566Z - info: [1483147810545] Starting Shairport Sync
2016-12-31T01:30:10.588Z - info: Loading plugin “mpd”…
2016-12-31T01:30:10.935Z - info: Loading plugin “networkfs”…
2016-12-31T01:30:11.230Z - info: Loading plugin “alarm-clock”…
2016-12-31T01:30:12.651Z - info: Loading plugin “webradio”…
2016-12-31T01:30:16.585Z - info: Loading plugin “i2s_dacs”…
2016-12-31T01:30:16.666Z - info: I2S DAC not set, start Auto-detection on USB Bus
2016-12-31T01:30:16.729Z - info: Loading plugin “albumart”…
2016-12-31T01:30:16.806Z - info: Plugin example_plugin is not enabled
2016-12-31T01:30:16.817Z - info: Loading plugin “updater_comm”…
2016-12-31T01:30:19.474Z - info: Plugin mpdemulation is not enabled
2016-12-31T01:30:19.485Z - info: Loading plugin “websocket”…
2016-12-31T01:30:19.909Z - info: Loading plugin “spop”…
2016-12-31T01:30:26.972Z - info: Applying required configuration parameters for plugin spop
2016-12-31T01:30:27.045Z - info: ___________ START PLUGINS ___________
2016-12-31T01:30:27.115Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddToBrowseSources[object Object]
2016-12-31T01:30:27.135Z - info: [1483147827118] CoreMusicLibrary::Adding element Webradio
2016-12-31T01:30:27.354Z - info: Loading i18n strings for locale en
2016-12-31T01:30:28.285Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
2016-12-31T01:30:28.291Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
2016-12-31T01:30:28.305Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
2016-12-31T01:30:28.308Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
2016-12-31T01:30:28.310Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
2016-12-31T01:30:28.615Z - info: BOOT COMPLETED
2016-12-31T01:30:29.525Z - info: [1483147829495] CoreStateMachine::resetVolumioState
2016-12-31T01:30:29.566Z - info: [1483147829529] CoreStateMachine::getcurrentVolume
2016-12-31T01:30:29.625Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioRetrievevolume
2016-12-31T01:30:29.895Z - info: [1483147829829] CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock
2016-12-31T01:30:29.925Z - info: [1483147829899] CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock
2016-12-31T01:30:32.744Z - info: SpopD Daemon Started
2016-12-31T01:30:33.309Z - info: MPD running with PID577 ,establishing connection
2016-12-31T01:30:33.924Z - info: Setting Device type: Raspberry PI
2016-12-31T01:30:34.856Z - info: [1483147834850] VolumeController:: Volume=100 Mute =false
2016-12-31T01:30:34.874Z - info: [1483147834868] CoreStateMachine::pushState
2016-12-31T01:30:34.884Z - info: [1483147834878] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-31T01:30:34.893Z - info: [1483147834887] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T01:30:34.902Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
2016-12-31T01:30:34.908Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
2016-12-31T01:30:34.928Z - info: [1483147834922] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-31T01:30:35.022Z - info: Pushing Favourites {“service”:“mpd”,“uri”:"",“favourite”:false}
2016-12-31T01:30:35.659Z - info: Reloading queue from file
2016-12-31T01:30:36.011Z - info: Volumio called home
2016-12-31T01:30:36.060Z - info:
2016-12-31T01:30:36.297Z - info: Setting volume on startup at disabled
2016-12-31T01:30:36.530Z - info:
[1483147836521] ---------------------------- Client requests Volume disabled
2016-12-31T01:30:36.561Z - info: [1483147836554] VolumeController::SetAlsaVolumedisabled
2016-12-31T01:30:36.618Z - info: [1483147836611] ------------------------------ 93ms
2016-12-31T01:30:37.256Z - info: mDNS: Found device Volumio
2016-12-31T01:30:37.541Z - info: [1483147837514] VolumeController::Volume 100
2016-12-31T01:30:37.555Z - info: [1483147837544] CoreStateMachine::pushState
2016-12-31T01:30:37.575Z - info: [1483147837556] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-31T01:30:37.606Z - info: [1483147837576] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T01:30:37.625Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
2016-12-31T01:30:37.635Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
2016-12-31T01:30:37.666Z - info: [1483147837641] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-31T01:30:37.984Z - info: Pushing Favourites {“service”:“mpd”,“uri”:"",“favourite”:false}
2016-12-31T01:30:38.185Z - info: [1483147838175] Shairport-Sync Started
2016-12-31T01:30:38.191Z - info: Upmpdcli Daemon Started
2016-12-31T01:30:38.217Z - info: Connecting to daemon
2016-12-31T01:30:39.416Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddToBrowseSources[object Object]
2016-12-31T01:30:39.423Z - info: [1483147839417] CoreMusicLibrary::Adding element Spotify
2016-12-31T01:30:39.655Z - info: FIRST BRANCH
2016-12-31T01:30:41.255Z - info: Spotify access token expires at 1483151438286
2016-12-31T01:30:41.264Z - info: Spotify access token is BQBefP7nGpdHg0r9qOWwgP0RRap7_DE2s33cLC21YsTrqCBBkDYsg2uNCp35rH4RDRsB23eOSywdVV2-xy2tRQ
2016-12-31T01:30:41.272Z - info: Spotify credentials grant success
2016-12-31T19:03:01.041Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , getUiSettings
2016-12-31T19:03:01.187Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
2016-12-31T19:03:01.194Z - info: [1483210981188] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-31T19:03:01.200Z - info: [1483210981195] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T19:03:01.211Z - info:
[1483210981202] ---------------------------- Client requests Volumio state
2016-12-31T19:03:01.223Z - info: [1483210981217] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-31T19:03:01.248Z - info: [1483210981243] ------------------------------ 62ms
2016-12-31T19:03:01.469Z - info: [1483210981463] Listing playlists
2016-12-31T19:03:01.598Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , getMultiroom
2016-12-31T19:03:01.644Z - info:
[1483210981635] ---------------------------- Client requests Menu Items
2016-12-31T19:03:01.750Z - info: [1483210981745] ------------------------------ 110ms
2016-12-31T19:03:13.224Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetBrowseSources
2016-12-31T19:03:13.243Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue
2016-12-31T19:03:13.251Z - info: [1483210993245] CoreStateMachine::getQueue
2016-12-31T19:03:13.259Z - info: [1483210993253] CorePlayQueue::getQueue
2016-12-31T19:03:13.265Z - info:
[1483210993260] ---------------------------- Client requests Volumio queue
2016-12-31T19:03:13.272Z - info: [1483210993269] InterfaceWebUI::pushQueue
2016-12-31T19:03:13.285Z - info: []
2016-12-31T19:03:13.296Z - info: [1483210993291] ------------------------------ 55ms
2016-12-31T19:03:14.612Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: spop , handleBrowseUri
2016-12-31T19:29:49.147Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
2016-12-31T19:29:51.994Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
2016-12-31T19:29:53.165Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
2016-12-31T19:29:58.018Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
2016-12-31T19:29:58.108Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStats
2016-12-31T19:29:58.375Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: networkfs , listShares
2016-12-31T19:30:02.106Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStats
2016-12-31T19:30:06.122Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStats
2016-12-31T19:30:09.106Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , rescanDb
2016-12-31T19:30:09.118Z - info: [1483212609112] ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand rescan
2016-12-31T19:30:09.128Z - info: [1483212609121] sending command…
2016-12-31T19:30:09.156Z - info: [1483212609149] ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
2016-12-31T19:30:09.170Z - info: Mpd Status Update: update
2016-12-31T19:30:09.186Z - info:
[1483212609176] ---------------------------- MPD announces state update
2016-12-31T19:30:09.217Z - info: [1483212609209] parsing response…
2016-12-31T19:30:09.236Z - info: [1483212609229] sending command…
2016-12-31T19:30:09.253Z - info: [1483212609243] ControllerMpd::getState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.265Z - info: [1483212609256] ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
2016-12-31T19:30:09.279Z - info: [1483212609270] sending command…
2016-12-31T19:30:09.302Z - info: [1483212609295] parsing response…
2016-12-31T19:30:09.313Z - info: [1483212609307] parsing response…
2016-12-31T19:30:09.339Z - info: [1483212609331] ControllerMpd::parseState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.355Z - info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatetrue
2016-12-31T19:30:09.385Z - info: [1483212609374] ControllerMpd::parseState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.400Z - info: [1483212609390] ControllerMpd::pushState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.409Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.442Z - info: [1483212609435] CoreStateMachine::syncState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.451Z - info: [1483212609443] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T19:30:09.463Z - info: STATE SERVICE {“status”:“stop”,“position”:null,“seek”:null,“duration”:null,“samplerate”:null,“bitdepth”:null,“channels”:null,“random”:false,“updatedb”:true,“repeat”:false,“isStreaming”:false,“title”:null,“artist”:null,“album”:null,“uri”:null}
2016-12-31T19:30:09.472Z - info: CURRENT POSITION 0
2016-12-31T19:30:09.486Z - info: [1483212609474] CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService stop
2016-12-31T19:30:09.497Z - info: [1483212609487] CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop
2016-12-31T19:30:09.507Z - info: [1483212609499] CoreStateMachine::pushState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.516Z - info: [1483212609509] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.527Z - info: [1483212609517] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T19:30:09.537Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.548Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
2016-12-31T19:30:09.567Z - info: [1483212609554] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.588Z - info: [1483212609580] No code
2016-12-31T19:30:09.597Z - info: [1483212609589] CoreStateMachine::pushState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.605Z - info: [1483212609597] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.614Z - info: [1483212609605] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T19:30:09.619Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.631Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
2016-12-31T19:30:09.651Z - info: [1483212609644] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-31T19:30:09.698Z - info: [1483212609684] ------------------------------ 525ms
2016-12-31T19:30:09.735Z - info: Pushing Favourites {“service”:“mpd”,“uri”:"",“favourite”:false}
2016-12-31T19:30:09.759Z - info: Pushing Favourites {“service”:“mpd”,“uri”:"",“favourite”:false}
2016-12-31T19:30:10.112Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStats
2016-12-31T19:30:14.128Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStats
2016-12-31T19:30:18.147Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStats
2016-12-31T20:23:07.427Z - info: Mpd Status Update: database
2016-12-31T20:23:07.435Z - info:
[1483215787429] ---------------------------- MPD announces state update
2016-12-31T20:23:07.455Z - info: [1483215787450] ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
2016-12-31T20:23:07.459Z - info: Mpd Status Update: update
2016-12-31T20:23:07.461Z - info:
[1483215787459] ---------------------------- MPD announces state update
2016-12-31T20:23:07.480Z - info: [1483215787475] ControllerMpd::getState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.489Z - info: [1483215787482] ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
2016-12-31T20:23:07.497Z - info: [1483215787492] sending command…
2016-12-31T20:23:07.516Z - info: [1483215787510] ControllerMpd::getState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.522Z - info: [1483215787517] ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
2016-12-31T20:23:07.529Z - info: [1483215787524] sending command…
2016-12-31T20:23:07.541Z - info: [1483215787533] sending command…
2016-12-31T20:23:07.558Z - info: [1483215787553] parsing response…
2016-12-31T20:23:07.568Z - info: [1483215787562] parsing response…
2016-12-31T20:23:07.576Z - info: [1483215787570] parsing response…
2016-12-31T20:23:07.595Z - info: [1483215787578] ControllerMpd::parseState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.602Z - info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
2016-12-31T20:23:07.635Z - info: [1483215787621] ControllerMpd::parseState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.643Z - info: [1483215787638] ControllerMpd::parseState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.660Z - info: [1483215787654] ControllerMpd::pushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.666Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.680Z - info: [1483215787668] CoreStateMachine::syncState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.687Z - info: [1483215787681] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T20:23:07.705Z - info: STATE SERVICE {“status”:“stop”,“position”:null,“seek”:null,“duration”:null,“samplerate”:null,“bitdepth”:null,“channels”:null,“random”:false,“updatedb”:false,“repeat”:false,“isStreaming”:false,“title”:null,“artist”:null,“album”:null,“uri”:null}
2016-12-31T20:23:07.711Z - info: CURRENT POSITION 0
2016-12-31T20:23:07.718Z - info: [1483215787712] CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService stop
2016-12-31T20:23:07.732Z - info: [1483215787719] CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop
2016-12-31T20:23:07.742Z - info: [1483215787736] CoreStateMachine::pushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.749Z - info: [1483215787742] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.752Z - info: [1483215787750] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T20:23:07.770Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.772Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
2016-12-31T20:23:07.786Z - info: [1483215787780] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.802Z - info: [1483215787797] No code
2016-12-31T20:23:07.809Z - info: [1483215787803] CoreStateMachine::pushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.815Z - info: [1483215787809] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.821Z - info: [1483215787815] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T20:23:07.823Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.829Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
2016-12-31T20:23:07.842Z - info: [1483215787833] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.854Z - info: [1483215787849] ControllerMpd::pushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.860Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.866Z - info: [1483215787861] CoreStateMachine::syncState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.869Z - info: [1483215787867] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T20:23:07.872Z - info: STATE SERVICE {“status”:“stop”,“position”:null,“seek”:null,“duration”:null,“samplerate”:null,“bitdepth”:null,“channels”:null,“random”:false,“updatedb”:false,“repeat”:false,“isStreaming”:false,“title”:null,“artist”:null,“album”:null,“uri”:null}
2016-12-31T20:23:07.886Z - info: CURRENT POSITION 0
2016-12-31T20:23:07.888Z - info: [1483215787887] CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService stop
2016-12-31T20:23:07.891Z - info: [1483215787889] CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop
2016-12-31T20:23:07.893Z - info: [1483215787892] CoreStateMachine::pushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.906Z - info: [1483215787894] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.909Z - info: [1483215787907] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T20:23:07.911Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.914Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
2016-12-31T20:23:07.931Z - info: [1483215787928] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.947Z - info: [1483215787946] No code
2016-12-31T20:23:07.950Z - info: [1483215787948] CoreStateMachine::pushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.953Z - info: [1483215787951] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.965Z - info: [1483215787953] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-31T20:23:07.967Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
2016-12-31T20:23:07.970Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
2016-12-31T20:23:07.985Z - info: [1483215787973] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-31T20:23:08.012Z - info: [1483215788006] ------------------------------ 589ms
2016-12-31T20:23:08.024Z - info: [1483215788019] ------------------------------ 562ms
2016-12-31T20:23:08.052Z - info: Pushing Favourites {“service”:“mpd”,“uri”:"",“favourite”:false}
2016-12-31T20:23:08.063Z - info: Pushing Favourites {“service”:“mpd”,“uri”:"",“favourite”:false}
2016-12-31T20:23:08.075Z - info: Pushing Favourites {“service”:“mpd”,“uri”:"",“favourite”:false}
2016-12-31T20:23:08.086Z - info: Pushing Favourites {“service”:“mpd”,“uri”:"",“favourite”:false}
2017-01-01T15:28:16.894Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , getUiSettings
2017-01-01T15:28:17.294Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
2017-01-01T15:28:17.300Z - info: [1483284497295] CoreStateMachine::getState
2017-01-01T15:28:17.307Z - info: [1483284497301] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2017-01-01T15:28:17.315Z - info:
[1483284497308] ---------------------------- Client requests Volumio state
2017-01-01T15:28:17.328Z - info: [1483284497322] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2017-01-01T15:28:17.346Z - info: [1483284497340] ------------------------------ 52ms
2017-01-01T15:28:17.366Z - info: [1483284497361] Listing playlists
2017-01-01T15:28:17.394Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , getMultiroom
2017-01-01T15:28:17.425Z - info:
[1483284497405] ---------------------------- Client requests Menu Items
2017-01-01T15:28:17.603Z - info: [1483284497597] ------------------------------ 192ms
2017-01-01T15:28:20.441Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetBrowseSources
2017-01-01T15:28:20.492Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue
2017-01-01T15:28:20.499Z - info: [1483284500494] CoreStateMachine::getQueue
2017-01-01T15:28:20.506Z - info: [1483284500500] CorePlayQueue::getQueue
2017-01-01T15:28:20.515Z - info:
[1483284500507] ---------------------------- Client requests Volumio queue
2017-01-01T15:28:20.519Z - info: [1483284500518] InterfaceWebUI::pushQueue
2017-01-01T15:28:20.522Z - info: []
2017-01-01T15:28:20.540Z - info: [1483284500534] ------------------------------ 47ms
2017-01-01T15:28:21.841Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
2017-01-01T15:28:22.733Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
2017-01-01T15:28:23.756Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
2017-01-01T15:28:30.516Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
2017-01-01T15:28:39.950Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: spop , handleBrowseUri

Hi Jeff, unfortunately I can’t spot any obvious issue from the log file. You are successfully getting a Spotify access token, and it looks like the spop daemon is starting correctly. If you haven’t done so yet, I’d try to change your Spotify password and log in to the Spotify Web based player with the new password. That seemed to help fix at least one person who previously had a similar situation.

I downloaded volumio today and have it running on my raspberry pi w a usb DAC
local audio plays fine
i enabled spotify plugin and restarted and auth seems to be ok as it finds my playlists, etc
however when i click a song to play, it shows the track as playing but no audio is coming out, if i play a local song, the audio works.
happy to post whatever log files would be helpful.

Hi there, yes, if you could post the content of the below log file we can see if anything obvious is wrong here. SSH/Putty into your volumio device and copy the results of the below command here:

cat /var/log/volumio.log

I have installed the spotify plugin but shows inactive, i’ve rebooted etc all i can find on the log is mpdemulation is not enabled. Have I missed something.

2016-12-13T21:04:07.728Z - info: -------------------------------------------
2016-12-13T21:04:07.740Z - info: ----- Volumio2 ----
2016-12-13T21:04:07.741Z - info: -------------------------------------------
2016-12-13T21:04:07.741Z - info: ----- System startup ----
2016-12-13T21:04:07.742Z - info: -------------------------------------------
2016-12-13T21:04:08.469Z - info: Plugin folders cleanup
2016-12-13T21:04:08.470Z - info: Scanning into folder /volumio/app/plugins/
2016-12-13T21:04:08.471Z - info: Scanning category audio_interface
2016-12-13T21:04:08.473Z - info: Scanning category miscellanea
2016-12-13T21:04:08.476Z - info: Scanning category music_service
2016-12-13T21:04:08.479Z - info: Scanning category plugins.json
2016-12-13T21:04:08.480Z - info: Scanning category system_controller
2016-12-13T21:04:08.483Z - info: Scanning category user_interface
2016-12-13T21:04:08.485Z - info: Scanning into folder /data/plugins/
2016-12-13T21:04:08.486Z - info: Scanning category music_service
2016-12-13T21:04:08.487Z - info: Plugin folders cleanup completed
2016-12-13T21:04:08.490Z - info: Loading plugins from folder /volumio/app/plugin s/
2016-12-13T21:04:08.502Z - info: Loading plugins from folder /data/plugins/
2016-12-13T21:04:08.508Z - info: Loading plugin “system”…
2016-12-13T21:04:08.594Z - info: Loading plugin “appearance”…
2016-12-13T21:04:09.195Z - info: Loading plugin “network”…
2016-12-13T21:04:09.352Z - info: Loading plugin “services”…
2016-12-13T21:04:09.362Z - info: Loading plugin “alsa_controller”…
2016-12-13T21:04:09.598Z - info: Loading plugin “volumio_command_line_client”…
2016-12-13T21:04:09.614Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_contro ller , getConfigParam
2016-12-13T21:04:09.616Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_contro ller , getConfigParam
2016-12-13T21:04:09.618Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_contro ller , getConfigParam
2016-12-13T21:04:09.673Z - info: Loading plugin “upnp”…
2016-12-13T21:04:09.684Z - info: [1481663049683] Starting Upmpd Daemon
2016-12-13T21:04:09.712Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , re gisterCallback
2016-12-13T21:04:09.715Z - info: Loading plugin “mpd”…
2016-12-13T21:04:09.843Z - info: Loading plugin “networkfs”…
2016-12-13T21:04:09.883Z - info: Loading plugin “alarm-clock”…
2016-12-13T21:04:10.141Z - info: Loading plugin “airplay_emulation”…
2016-12-13T21:04:10.155Z - info: [1481663050154] Starting Shairport Sync
2016-12-13T21:04:10.161Z - info: Loading plugin “last_100”…
2016-12-13T21:04:10.172Z - info: Loading plugin “webradio”…
2016-12-13T21:04:12.120Z - info: Loading plugin “i2s_dacs”…
2016-12-13T21:04:12.153Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , ge tConfigParam
2016-12-13T21:04:12.156Z - info: Loading plugin “my_volumio”…
2016-12-13T21:04:12.167Z - info: Loading plugin “volumiodiscovery”…
2016-12-13T21:04:12.321Z - info: Applying required configuration parameters for plugin volumiodiscovery
2016-12-13T21:04:12.411Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , re gisterCallback
2016-12-13T21:04:12.416Z - info: Loading plugin “albumart”…
2016-12-13T21:04:12.452Z - info: Plugin example_plugin is not enabled
2016-12-13T21:04:12.453Z - info: Loading plugin “updater_comm”…
2016-12-13T21:04:12.775Z - info: Plugin mpdemulation is not enabled
2016-12-13T21:04:12.777Z - info: Loading plugin “rest_api”…
2016-12-13T21:04:12.805Z - info: Loading plugin “websocket”…
2016-12-13T21:04:12.886Z - info: Loading plugin “spop”…
2016-12-13T21:04:15.087Z - info: Applying required configuration parameters for plugin spop
2016-12-13T21:04:15.109Z - info: ___________ START PLUGINS ___________
2016-12-13T21:04:15.122Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddToBrowseSources[ob ject Object]
2016-12-13T21:04:15.125Z - info: [1481663055123] CoreMusicLibrary::Adding elemen t Last_100
2016-12-13T21:04:15.148Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddToBrowseSources[ob ject Object]
2016-12-13T21:04:15.149Z - info: [1481663055148] CoreMusicLibrary::Adding elemen t Webradio
2016-12-13T21:04:15.189Z - info: Loading i18n strings for locale en
2016-12-13T21:04:15.279Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_contro ller , getConfigParam
2016-12-13T21:04:15.281Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_contro ller , getAlsaCards
2016-12-13T21:04:15.299Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_contro ller , getConfigParam
2016-12-13T21:04:15.301Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_contro ller , getConfigParam
2016-12-13T21:04:15.302Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_contro ller , getConfigParam
2016-12-13T21:04:15.304Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_contro ller , getConfigParam
2016-12-13T21:04:15.305Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_contro ller , getConfigParam
2016-12-13T21:04:15.376Z - info: BOOT COMPLETED
2016-12-13T21:04:15.497Z - info: [1481663055495] CoreStateMachine::resetVolumioS tate
2016-12-13T21:04:15.502Z - info: [1481663055499] CoreStateMachine::getcurrentVol ume
2016-12-13T21:04:15.504Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioRetrievevolume
2016-12-13T21:04:15.552Z - info: [1481663055550] CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBl ock
2016-12-13T21:04:15.555Z - info: [1481663055554] CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock
2016-12-13T21:04:15.739Z - info: Cannot read play queue form file
2016-12-13T21:04:15.865Z - info: The following error occurred while starting SPO PD: Error: Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /bin/systemctl start spop.service
Failed to start spop.service: Unit spop.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

2016-12-13T21:04:15.897Z - info: MPD running with PID555 ,establishing connectio n
2016-12-13T21:04:15.948Z - info: Setting Device type: Raspberry PI
2016-12-13T21:04:16.008Z - info: [1481663056006] VolumeController:: Volume=100 M ute =false
2016-12-13T21:04:16.014Z - info: [1481663056013] CoreStateMachine::pushState
2016-12-13T21:04:16.018Z - info: [1481663056017] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-13T21:04:16.021Z - info: [1481663056019] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-13T21:04:16.025Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
2016-12-13T21:04:16.026Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodisc overy , saveDeviceInfo
2016-12-13T21:04:16.036Z - info: [1481663056035] interfaceApi::pushState
2016-12-13T21:04:16.039Z - info: [1481663056038] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-13T21:04:16.363Z - info: Pushing Favourites {“service”:“mpd”,“uri”:"",“f avourite”:false}
2016-12-13T21:04:16.509Z - info:
2016-12-13T21:04:16.983Z - info: mDNS: Found device Volumio
2016-12-13T21:04:17.039Z - info: mDNS: Found device Volumio
2016-12-13T21:04:17.139Z - info: Upmpdcli Daemon Started
2016-12-13T21:04:17.166Z - info: [1481663057165] Shairport-Sync Started
2016-12-13T21:04:18.457Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
2016-12-13T21:04:18.459Z - info: [1481663058458] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-13T21:04:18.460Z - info: [1481663058459] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-13T21:04:18.472Z - info:
[1481663058462] ---------------------------- Client requests Volumio state
2016-12-13T21:04:18.481Z - info: [1481663058477] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-13T21:04:18.518Z - info: [1481663058515] ------------------------------ 59ms
2016-12-13T21:04:50.906Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , getUiSettings
2016-12-13T21:04:50.943Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
2016-12-13T21:04:50.946Z - info: [1481663090944] CoreStateMachine::getState
2016-12-13T21:04:50.948Z - info: [1481663090946] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
2016-12-13T21:04:50.950Z - info:
[1481663090949] ---------------------------- Client requests Volumio state
2016-12-13T21:04:50.954Z - info: [1481663090953] Listing playlists
2016-12-13T21:04:50.977Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , getMultiroom
2016-12-13T21:04:50.980Z - info:
[1481663090979] ---------------------------- Client requests Menu Items
2016-12-13T21:04:50.982Z - info: [1481663090981] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
2016-12-13T21:04:51.016Z - info: [1481663091015] ------------------------------ 74ms
2016-12-13T21:04:51.097Z - info: [1481663091096] ------------------------------ 117ms
2016-12-13T21:04:57.067Z - info: [{“prettyName”:“Spotify”,“name”:“spop”,“categor y”:“music_service”,“version”:“1.2.0”,“icon”:“fa-spotify”,“enabled”:true,“active” :false}]
2016-12-13T21:05:02.429Z - info: Error Parsing Plugins JSON
2016-12-13T21:05:14.607Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
2016-12-13T21:05:35.874Z - info: CALLMETHOD: music_service spop saveSpotifyAccou nt [object Object]
2016-12-13T21:05:35.875Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: spop , save SpotifyAccount
2016-12-13T21:05:53.962Z - info: [{“prettyName”:“Spotify”,“name”:“spop”,“categor y”:“music_service”,“version”:“1.2.0”,“icon”:“fa-spotify”,“enabled”:true,“active” :false}]
2016-12-13T21:05:57.722Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetBrowseSources
2016-12-13T21:05:57.728Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue
2016-12-13T21:05:57.729Z - info: [1481663157728] CoreStateMachine::getQueue
2016-12-13T21:05:57.732Z - info: [1481663157730] CorePlayQueue::getQueue
2016-12-13T21:05:57.732Z - info:
[1481663157732] ---------------------------- Client requests Volumio queue
2016-12-13T21:05:57.734Z - info: [1481663157734] InterfaceWebUI::pushQueue
2016-12-13T21:05:57.737Z - info: [1481663157736] ------------------------------ 9ms
2016-12-13T21:05:59.540Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handl eBrowseUri
2016-12-13T21:05:59.544Z - info: CURURI: music-library
2016-12-13T21:05:59.555Z - info:
2016-12-13T21:06:04.517Z - info: Error Parsing Plugins JSON
2016-12-13T21:08:00.064Z - info: Cannot call home: Error: Command failed: /usr/b in/curl -X POST --data-binary “device=pi&variante=volumio&version=2.041&uuid=c50 ee4c146995b4d2959547380fdf6fe” ck-device
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:–:-- 0:03:33 --:–:-- 0cu rl: (7) Failed to connect to port 7070: Connection timed out
retrying in 5 seconds, trial 0

The log file is showing that the Spotify daemon app can’t be found on your system. The only thing I can suggest is doing a fresh install of the latest image and starting from scratch. Sorry about that, but I doubt there’s any way to patch your current image.

Here’s the error message:

2016-12-13T21:04:15.865Z - info: The following error occurred while starting SPO PD: Error: Command failed: /usr/bin/sudo /bin/systemctl start spop.service
Failed to start spop.service: Unit spop.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

Thank you for getting back to me on this frustrating matter. I wondering if I’ve used the correct plugin as there are various ones and only one of them installs and also if I’ve downloaded correctly IE if it’s needs unzipping before installing etc off GitHub maybe a guide perhaps?

Install the plugin from the Volumio UI (plugins menu, search plugins) … you don’t need to manually download official plugins. For other plugins such as Balbuze’s ‘spotify connect’, download the plugin to your hard drive, and then choose ‘upload plugin’ from plugins menu (no need to unzip).

Hope this helps.

I have chosen search plugins tab but there are none available. Ive downloaded a few from GitHub and i get an error - Cannot read property ‘name’ of undefined and the other unresolved inactive problem above.