How do I return to the main menu after doing a search?

Hello Volumio buddies,

This question is beyond simple. How do I get back to the main menu after doing a search? (The menu with tiles that shows ”Albums”, ”Artists”, ”Genres”, ”Web Radio” etc.?

I’ve searched for tracks containing a specific word, and now I can’t get out of the search function.

When I press the ”Left Arrow” in the upper left corner. I get to ”Playing now”. And when I press the cross in the upper right corner, I also get to ”Playing Now”.

From ”Playing now” I can press the round search button in the lower right section of the page. This takes me back to “Search.” On the ”Playing Now” page, I also have a menu button in the upper left corner of the page. This takes me to a number of different settings, but not to the main page.

Is there a “Home” button somewhere that I’m missing?

(Below the arrow in the upper left corner of my search page, two arrows form a circle and they circulate. I assume this means that my music collection is being indexed. But this indexing started 10 hours ago; I have 1,500 albums. How long can it last?)

I’m using the Volumio Rivo hardware.

Thank you

that is something from the now playing plugin you can find it in the menu of now playing.

look at the little down arrow or the little 3 dots on your right top

Here is a description over the UI interface (not 100% updated to reflect the latest updates to Manifest UI)

Ah, yes, it’s called the ”Browse page.”

I can go to that, but on my Volumio Rivo that page is one big listing of search results. Nothing else. And I can’t get out of those search results.

This is what the ”Browse page” looks like for me. And no matter what I press, it just sends me back to ”Playing now.”

This is what my ”Playing Now” page looks like after I’ve pressed the menu button in the upper right corner. The menu doesn’t take me to the ”Browse page.”

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on the right the folder with loupe just above the time line

Thank you, balbuze and dvo. Unfortunately, this button takes me back to the search result list. And I can’t move on from there.

is there on your right top a X maybe that will close search page.:wink:

Unfortunately, no. The X in the top right side of the search listing takes me back to “Playing Now.” It does not close the search listing and show me the “Browse page.”

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what section do you wanna see ? because the browse section is where it should go …

@balbuze balbuze i don’t have a rivo, if you do help him with it he’s a bit lost in the menu’s

What I get

Yes, this looks like what I get. I can access the search listing without any problems, but how do you get from there to the “Browsing page”?

I want to be able to click a tile to play ”Genres”, ”Spotify”, ”Soundcloud”, ”Artists,” etc.

As I mentioned, when I click the arrow in the upper left corner of the search listing or the cross in the upper right corner, it does not take me there. It takes me to ”Playing now.”

Hooray! Now, suddenly it works.

The left-pointing arrow in the upper left corner of the search results takes me to the “Browsing page”. For the last four hours, it has been taking me to “Playing Now”. I don’t know what caused it to change.

Thank you for your speedy replies :smiley:

your welcome from all :slight_smile:

I think I found out what caused this change.

You can read about it here.