HiFiBerry DAC+ADC input

Hi All

With Volumio and the hifiberry DAC+ADC, I am wondering if there is a way to cleanly passthrough the analog input on the hifiberry . I know I could use alsaloop to setup a software passthrough from the command line, but I am not sure what that will do to the operations of Volumio.

Is there a way to enable analog passthrough inside the volumio interface?

If not, will running alsaloop prevent Volumio music streaming from operating correctly? That is, with command line alsaloop (or in a service), will Volumio DAC output be disabled, or will the hifiberry just mash-up DAC audio and analog input audio together (which is fine as I will only ever have one source going)?

If Volumio DAC output is disabled, beyond a reboot, what would be needed to renable that output?

Apologies for my ignorance of the linux audio system. Thanks.

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I gather that the Volumio devs don’t know the answer to my question, then?

Hi fraserw,

I already asked at the Hifiberry forum and they told me to get in contact with the Volumio staff.
Unfortunately i didn’t get any further response to this from both sides until now.

Best Regards