Hifi berry dac plus dsp

Same issue?

Hey @Wolfman74,

This is a very good suggestion indeed.

@johnkooij can you test it please?

Kind Regards,


no sound after adjust the dsp

please try with no plugin installed first, ideally after a factory reset (selecting BassFly + I2S MIC)

good day all

the overlay that @Wolfman74 suggest works no issues even on the rpi4 or rpi5 .
no settings to change .
but the main problem is the DSP profile file that i had loaded the lates version 15 .
then no sound output , have loads DSP profile file version 11 then it works.
thanks for your help .

best regards john

so your problem is related to the DSP settings.

for this subject, better to ask on the HifiBerry forum

At Volumio it is related at the dsp profile ,
But at the hifiberry OS i dont have any issues with the lates Dsp profile .
So they cant help me .