FusionDsp : the complete Dsp center for Volumio3!

Hello. Yes it color changes from green (active) to grey (inactive). If you prefer, go in FusionDsp settings, there is a button with a changing text “disable effect” or “enable effect”.
Let me know :wink:

Thank you for the quick reply.

With all due respect.

After the reboot, the power button was indeed grayed out in the off state. After turning on the DSP, playback stopped (radio 80/80). Then the on/off button stopped coloring again. I honestly don’t know if it works well for me.
I have Volumio Primo and the latest Volumio OS update.
When I have some time I will send the log if it helps. I could still be doing something wrong. They can’t rule that out :grinning:.

Anyway, thank you.

PS.:the effect button didn’t help me. no dialog will appear or anything like that

PS.2.:the effect button didn’t help me. no dialog will appear or anything like that

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I don’t understand…
When the plugin is enable, if you change nothing, there is no sound change.
Change something in Eq, apply, you should hear the difference.
The text on the button change from “click to disable effect” to " click to enable effect". It seems to be clear enough…

I tested on primo and it works as expected…
In your logs a lot of error with youtube plugin though

So it means that there is no error in FusionDsp, the file is created when errors occurs.
i see nothing in logs that could help…

As I wrote . It’s possible that I’m not approaching this correctly. You certainly did a lot of good work on it.



I tested and all filters are properly imported in FusiobDsp using 'import local file" feature.

myfilterfromapo.txt (340 Octets)


This button doesn’t really work, it works when EQ is off, and I have not selected a PEQ preset, and turn it on and select a preset, but when I turn it off, button get greyed out, it doesn’t change anything. I can hear it because of the automatic preamp, volume doesn’t change when I turn it off.

I have to go into settings for fusiondsp and remove all EQ, then I hear volume changes, so DSP is off.

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When you disable effect, the preamp remains the same in order to compare effect, not sound level!
So set a true effect, for exemple mute a channel and compare.

I will try that, mute one channel, and enable/disable DSP on/off button in quick settings.

It works.

The option to import EQ from AutoEQ…

I take it that the imported settings should match those that are on the AutoEQ GitHub.

It seems that those Ive loaded the “shelf” type settings are different to those on the AutoEQ GitHub.
This one for instance.( theres another )

Ive also tried manually adding the settings from the AutoEQ Git just to see if it was a different way of expressing the settings. But the EQ’s sound quite different, which one I prefer I dont know , I am just pointing out tht it seems to be using “Lowshelf Hz,dB,slope dB/Octave” instead of “Lowshelf Hz,dB,Q

What is the version I f FusionDsp you are using?
Can you please send the txt file you are using?
Do you use load profile using the headphones list?

The version of FusionDSP is 1.0.33

There is no txt file.
I used the “Import EQ from AutoEQ” and then used the “Choose Headphone Profil” <==(spelling), updated the list then chose my headphones Audeze LCD-2 Fazor.

The same headphones on the AutoEQ GitHib AutoEq/results/oratory1990/harman_over-ear_2018/Audeze LCD-2 Fazor at master · jaakkopasanen/AutoEq · GitHub

I take it that the imported settings should match those that are on the AutoEQ GitHub

I see what happens… I followed REW convention for import filters : EQ Filters
LS * LS for a Low Shelf filter (S = 0.9) with frequency,gain and slope
but in Autoeq, LS is defined by freq,gain,Q
So I need to detect when Autoeq or REW is used to switch to the correct filter.
TY for reporting it

FusionDsp v1.0.35 stable

  • shelve filters from AutoEQ were not imported with the correct type (@M1ck )
  • verbosity debug for CamillaDsp logs
  • code cleaning
  • Reenable output menu in Camilla Gui. Please, the only allowed change is number of channels!
  • headphones list updated

Enjoy! :wink:

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Thanks for the update but I had to stop using FusionDSP due to Volumio constantly becoming unresponsive while FusionDSP is activated (reported earlier in this thread).

Is there any news about this bug?

I changed the log level in CamillaDsp. I hope to see something in future issue… But there is nothing in your log that helps. I can’t reproduce it. So it is very problematic to fix. And no a lot of feedback (good or bad) from users…

So regarding the logging.

Getting logs is obviously important in helping to trace the root cause of a fault.
But if in the midlle of a session, chilling, having a few beers, etc… a fault occurs, the last thing most are going to do is sit in front of the PC and dig out the log. Majority of the time, most will just reboot and continue listening. Obviously doing this overwrites, or renews the log file.

Suggestion: A dubug option in the plugin so that it writes a new date formatted log file each time you reboot.

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I have just done a new fresh install of Volumio 3.429 to try the latest FusionDSP 1.0.35 which now imports the AutoEQ presets from the head phone list perfectly …Thanks

although… this version just stops and plays white noise now and again. Either one channel or sometimes both. Sometimes you can select another track and it plays again OK. Others it requires a reboot.
I’m assuming that its FusionDSP causing this, the last install I had with FusionDSP 1.0.33 worked fine the majority of times for 3-4 hour sessions, with only the occasional fault the same as what @Voluminous describes above. ie just stops playing.

Volumio LOG

From the tmp dir
CammilaDSP LOG

Thanks for your logs.
There is nothing that can explain why v1.0.35 behaves differently. The change in last version is just the log level and the import filter. Nothing else
But we reproduced the white noise issue. Don’t know why yet. But we investigate…
Thanks for your help.
Edit : we suspect something with 24b file.