I’m trying to get a Pi2 and HifiBerry Digi+ to work.
Ive done some more testing.
When I had a similar (?) ALSA problem with RPi 2B and HiFiBerry DAC+ I found it was the PSU voltage.
RPi is mostly happy with 5.0V but the DAC likes more, ideally 5.2 - 5.3V, measured at the DAC.
The micro USB cable + connector can cause enough voltage drop to upset the DAC.
The Official Raspberry Pi 3 PSU always works fine for me if not using any power hungry extras.
Thank you for tips bigguy
Most of my problems went away when I replaced the power strip.
More of my problems went away when I changed the PSU and USB cables, as you suggested
Now I just have a couple of configuration problems I think