Hi, I’m looking for a Dutch radio web links for My Web Radiostations. I got a few some time ago.
I’m looking for Radio10 90’s, Radio10 00’s, Arrow Classic Rock, NPO2, Veronica and so on.
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Hi, I’m looking for a Dutch radio web links for My Web Radiostations. I got a few some time ago.
I’m looking for Radio10 90’s, Radio10 00’s, Arrow Classic Rock, NPO2, Veronica and so on.
Send from my Huawei Mate 9 with Tapatalk
Try google: “NPO” + “url”
Ik gebruik altijd dit mega overzicht van Hendrik Jansen:
That was a great link.
Thanks for the link wikipeter, it works great.
Nu kan ik tenminste radio luisteren