Digital Room Correction plugin

Hi all,
thank you for the great work of volumio 2.0. I read about plugin support like Spotify and Digital Room Correction. I cannot find where is located Digital Room Correction on the repository. Can you give me a hint?
Thank you

Drc plugin is still in dev. No really usable version is available yet. It will provide we gain /phase, stereo to binaural Bauer filter, and the use of personal filter file for etc. Keep in touch:-)

hey ! do you have some news about the DRC plugin ?

Would love to test it ! as a mastering engineer and acoustic enthousiast !

Sorry to said that no work has been done since several week… But, even if the plugin is not finished yet, some part is working : brutefir works and can be use with personnal filter. What is not working : equalizer and volume control.
But if you don’t use volume control in volumio, you can test it with you own filter. Just install
It also provides a binaural Bauer filter
After install reboot, the select the Loopback device in output. Go in plugin settings, select advanced settings and choose the right output ( 1 or 2 or often 5 for usb device) use aplay -l to determine the good. You can check if brutefir is running with systemctl status brutefir .
If ok , good. Place you own filter on the device and give the path in good fields (left and right). And let me know !
I agree it is not very convenient, it requires a file selector…
Have a look at the

I found this thread, when I searched information about DSP for room correction. The name of this thread is very attractive.

Only for clear understanding. This thread is dead. Plugin is in version 2 volumio2-and-brutefir-t4151-180.html

It is correct?

Good luck getting a reply.

But I’m sure it is possible, as miniDSP just came out with a box containing Volumio, EQ, XO for 4 channels and Room Correction included.

What is the model name for the minidsp?

It’s a new line called SHD.
Shipping in July, pricing not available yet…

Check it out on their website. Looks pretty good.

Thanks for link to minidsp. I suppose, it will be expensive. I discovered a simple equalizer plugin in volumio GUI. I will try this one.

It might be expensive, but pricing is not out yet. We’ll see.

I’ll have a look into the EQ in Volumio, but I would love a convolution plugin!

Here a plugin using a convolution engine brutefir. Keep in mind it’s still in development but usable within conditions… … /brutefir2