@Wheaten £40 direct to my front door. Looking forward to it…
@gkkpch I did consider your often though! I think I would have been hit with an import tax thanks to Brex*t!
Nope he ships from Germany…
Yas and to receive anything from Germany to UK there’s import tax.
@supercrab, agree, that’s why I prefer shipping within/from eu to avoid disappointments because of customs issues.
O, then it would be export (Swizz) and import tax (UK)
No, always shipping from Germany, I’m just over the border, in Germany 3-4 times a week.
It’s a total shitshow now Anyway, will hopefully joining the x86 club next week! It still feels a bit weird to not use a raspberry pi to run Volumio, it’s gonna take some time to get my head around it
Well, I get the impression that the x86 runs more stable than the rPi, especially with webradio. Where the rpi has regular interrupts, the x86 has way less.
With the CH341A, I have i2c and GPIO working. Only some plugin’s are not available for x86.
ow and using a switch to switch between full Cava and track information is not going to work, as I can’t keep an active while true; do
when the MPS parameters are called, the loop stalls.
Can’t have it all.
It’s working when I reboot,
Ah that’s a shame. I don’t know much about Linux so I can’t really offer any pointers
Why does the loop stall? Is there a runtime error or a design issue?
The mpd_oled package is running in a loop, so If i call it , the calling script waits for a response. Even if I pipe the output to /dev/null. If I manual kill the MPD_OLED pid’s, the calling script is still stalled.
Also tried to call the bash command for MPD via python, same results.
So you want mpd_oled to do something in the main loop? Can’t you change mpd_oled to detect the change in the main loop?
Maybe get mpd_oled to read file and check the contents and then do action based on that? Or can you get mpd_oled to read a file frin the local web server i.e. http://localhost/some file
Yeah will look at it later.
Also found some issues when the player has paused/stoppped for a period of time. The display switch between stop and play, but CAVA won’t start.
Need to set it aside for a couple of days to reset my brain, otherwise I will get stuck in the same train of thoughts.
In the mean time I am going to add <prev> <play> <next> <randomizer>
I am not sure if the while loop is in a script or is the one inside mpd_oled, but perhaps you could handle the GPIO stuff in a separate process or thread, and simply communicate the state back, e.g. by setting a variable for the while loop to check.
in pseudo:
Started script through service
while true; do
if status != prev_status #(Current GPIO0 != Previous GPIO0)
kill pid MPD
if GPIO == 1 then
./scriptb #(starts original MPD)
elif GPIO == 0 then
./scriptc #(starts only CAVA MPD)
do nothing
But then the while will get stuck at calling ./scriptb or /scriptc.
So going to research (handling GPIO with C, no clue yet ) handling the GPIO value within MPD_OLED.
And trying to find out why CAVA won’t start after a pause.
What is the contents of the scripts, e.g. scriptb?
sudo -u volumio /usr/local/bin/mpd_oled -b 20 -g 2 -P s -L t -o SSD1306,128X64,I2C,bus_number=$(dmesg | grep -iE "ch341_i2c_probe: created i2c device" | sed 's/^.*[/]//' | sed 's/.*-//') -f 50
sudo -u volumio /usr/local/bin/mpd_oled -b 20 -g 2 -P s -L n -o SSD1306,128X64,I2C,bus_number=$(dmesg | grep -iE "ch341_i2c_probe: created i2c device" | sed 's/^.*[/]//' | sed 's/.*-//') -f 50
added extra arg -L
t = trackinfo (original and default)
n = no trackinfo, only CAVA
So I need to add/handle the GPIO detection in
void draw_spect_display(U8G2 &u8g2, const display_info &disp_info)
Ok. mpd_oled will run until it is killed, and scriptb will not return until mpd_oled terminates. There is nothing external to kill mpd_oled, and so your while loop hangs at the script.
What you could do instead is run mpd_oled as a service, and then have your scripts call mpd_oled_service_edit. mpd_oled_service_edit will restart the mpd_oled service with the new parameters and then exit. and your script will return to the main loop. There is no need to kill/stop the service in the while loop.
You could do it there, if you are simply checking a variable. Whaterever you do there should always complete quickly, otherwise you will wait to draw the frame.