Default volume level delay and disabling ethernet permanently

My setup with RPI 3B+, Hifiberry AMP and USB wifi dongle is taking shape :slight_smile: I’m really happy with the Volumio, but there are a couple of things I’m still battling with:

  1. Boot time - even with 200MB/s card it takes a minute to start streaming.
  2. Default volume takes almost 10 seconds to “kick in”, e.g. the streaming start just fine, but for the first ten seconds or so the volume is really low, then it raises up to the level I’ve configured. How could I make this delay shorter or completely remove it?

For the boot time challenge I thought I’d try to disable the ethernet (if it waits for a dhcp ip?) as I use wifi for the internet connection. How do you do that, I found this, but apparently it does not work for some reason.

echo -n "1-1.1:1.0" | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/smsc95xx/unbind

[sudo] password for volumio:
1-1.1:1.0tee: /sys/bus/usb/drivers/smsc95xx/unbind: No such device

A minute to boot a rpi3 is normal…

There is no delay. It is rather because boot is not finished when you start to play.

no interest doing that…
So everything seems fine on your system!

Unless you change it, Volumio uses DHCP by default whether you connect on ethernet or WiFi. If you want to avoid DHCP, use a static address. On your router, assign a static address for the RPi. In Volumio go into Network Settings and turn off Automatic IP and enter the static address, then reboot.

Usually getting a DHCP address on a modern home router should be fast, and changing it to static is unlikely to make enough of a difference for you to notice.

Volumio does have a slower startup than other RPi software I use, but I suggest you just leave it running all the time and reboot only when necessary.

Thank you, this clears things up :+1:

Disabling ethernet won’t improve boot times.

There are 2 reasons why Volumio takes longer to start compared to other distros:

  • The system is loaded entirely on RAM, this initial loading takes longer on boot but ensures faster operations aftewards and ensures the SD Card is preserved
  • In the case of Wi-Fi we have a wait time of 30 seconds to make sure all connections are ready before we start Volumio

Ok, thank you for the clarification :+1: Can the 30 second wait be shortened/configured (I’m willing to take the risk) :slight_smile:

But why? As @metro suggested, if you’re concerned about waiting 30 seconds, why not leave the Pi running? Power use is negligible on standby. Messing about with the boot process is guaranteed to waste hours not seconds.

It’s because my girlfriend wants to shut it down when it’s not used. It’s not about the power consumption, it’s just how it is :rofl:

If you disable the Pi’s LEDs she’ll never know it’s on.

Lol, you have all my solidarity! Same situation here :wink:

You can always do as I do, claim the leds are a smoke & co2 alarm.

Ok, thanks for the sympathy guys :grin: