Decoder is to slow

Made a quick account to anyone that finds this thread!

The solution by Johan is a great workaround for the issue, thought I’d write this up for any beginners to follow:

  1. Copy the script Johan has posted:

while :
  OUT=$(tail -n 1 /var/log/mpd.log)

if [[ $OUT == *"Decoder is too slow"* ]]; then

  /usr/bin/mpc stop

  sleep 1
  1. Login to your Volumio server via ssh (I’m assuming you still have the standard volumio user)
  2. Type and enter into console: nano ~/
  3. Paste the script into this file then save it
  4. Type and enter into console: sudo chmod u+x ~/
  5. Type and enter into console: sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/mpd_radio_fix.service
  6. Paste the below:
Description=Fix For MPD Radio Play With Volumio


  1. Save the file and run: sudo systemctl start mpd_radio_fix
  2. It should be working! To enable it to start automatically on boot enter: sudo systemctl enable mpd_radio_fix

The cron method would also work but I find this a bit cleaner personally.

Thanks again to Johan!