I wanted to point audio problems with the following configuration:
Volumio functions regularly and recognize the DAC as MPD3 but playing feel like electric shocks.
Raspberry Pi to 2 USB is connected to the DAC and external hard drive powered separately.
How can I fix?
Thank you and congratulations for the software
March 2, 2015, 11:03am
which power supply do you use?
do you also get these sounds when you are not using the dac?
Check the power source first.
Then read this: https://volumio.org/forum/raspberry-volumio-choppy-sound-t2685.html
In my experience usb DACs sometimes makes such problems - generally some USB HW implementations are scr…wed .
But generic problem could come from power issues.
I tried with another dac “Musical Fidelity VDAC 2” http://www.musicalfidelity.com/support/discontinued-products/vSeries/v-dacii/ and works without problems.
I tried using a powerbank 10.000 mah 5volt output with up to 3 amps but the problem remains the same.
I also installed firmware dated 04/03/2015 by rasp-update.
MPD updated to 0.19.9.
Updated volumio with apt-get update now
I think it’s a problem of incompatibility of dac with usb driver alsa.
Did you other possible solutions.
Thanks for the support.
Apparently Playback Designs has a proprietary USB implementation in the MPD-3 and that might be part of the problem. Here’s a description of a patch to the Linux ALSA to handle the quirks of Playback Designs units:
mailman.alsa-project.org/piperma … 54969.html
But that was done back in 2012. I recently hooked up my Raspberry Pi B+ running Volumio 1.55 to a friend’s MPD-3 DAC, and got the same result as you.