Cubietruck - Flash Volumio on nand

Dear all,

I have been the proud owner of a Cubietruck for a while now, but I am relatively new in the Linux world. So far I managed to install Lubuntu/Android on nand and had fun with it just for the sake of it. However I had no real use for my Cubie until I found Volumio.

My question is the following: is there a way, and if so how to, install Volumio on the Cubie’s nand? I managed to do it with the above-mentioned systems by using PhoenixSuit. Yet when I try to do the same with Volumio (1.5), PhoenixSuit prompts the following message: “image file invalid”.

Could you please tell me what I should do?


PS: FYI, I also downloaded Rune OS and encountered the same issue.


I have the same problem on my CT. Any success installing Volumio on the NAND?