creating a Banana PI Image

I have the standard bananian image from Lemaker - slightly modified to support SPDIF as 2nd sound card.
So I guess on that image I will find the kernel and uboot - any likely anything else we need - please point me to instructions what I need to do in order to support this project


Here’s what you need to do:

Then we can move forward, your best bet is to take inspiration from the odroid repo

Let me know!

Make a pr here
sorry, I’m unsuccessful in making a PR (Pull Request, I guess) from an completely empty github directory - can you please add at least an with random content so it doesn’t appear completely empty ? ‘fork’ doesn’t work either, ‘upload files’ isn’t showing up here

Here you go! Done :wink:

seems that the tar file is too big for github

[code]Macintosh-2:Documents chris$ ls -l bana*
-rw-r–r-- 1 chris staff 41026474 Jul 16 15:04 bananapi.tar.gz
-rw-r–r-- 1 chris staff 29289720 Jul 16 15:11 bananapi.tar.xz

total 0
drwxr-xr-x 5 chris staff 170 Mar 29 08:10 boot
drwxr-xr-x 136 chris staff 4624 Jul 16 12:04 etc
drwxr-xr-x 26 chris staff 884 Apr 3 09:12 lib
drwxr-xr-x 7 chris staff 238 Jan 1 1970 uboot
Macintosh-2:Documents chris$

Github says:

Can I split the tar file in 2 pieces - or is there something in etc boot lib or uboot that we likely don’t need ?

the largest files are here:

Macintosh-2:Documents chris$ find bananapi -size +1000000c bananapi/boot/ bananapi/boot/vmlinuz-3.4.111-bananian bananapi/lib/udev/hwdb.bin bananapi/lib/udev/hwdb.d/20-OUI.hwdb bananapi/lib/udev/hwdb.d/20-pci-vendor-model.hwdb bananapi/lib/udev/hwdb.d/20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb bananapi/uboot/uImage

in “boot”:

-rw-r--r-- 1 chris staff 1837008 Mar 25 18:53 -rw-r--r-- 1 chris staff 101123 Mar 25 18:53 config-3.4.111-bananian -rw-r--r-- 1 chris staff 4780000 Mar 25 18:53 vmlinuz-3.4.111-bananian

in lib/udev

-r--r--r-- 1 chris staff 6449966 Apr 3 09:13 hwdb.bin
in uboot/uImage

-rwxr-xr-x 1 chris staff 4780000 Mar 29 08:23 bananapi/uboot/uImage

Ok, now the next step is creating the build process for the bananapi image… We can take inspiration from the odroid scripts or the raspberrys, if you feel more comfortable… What do you think?

I solved the github upload filesize limit by using git from commandline (add / commit / push) instead of the github web interface.

next step:
from reviewing the build scripts it seems that Debian or Ubuntu are the right platforms to run the volumio build scripts. So I refreshed an older notebook with Debian squeezy and upgraded it to wheezy - then I tried to run “” as “./ -b arm -v 2.0 -d odroidc1” and “./ -b arm -v 2.0 -d pi” - hoping to get at least one working image (which would have been my answer to the question which is my preference) - but both failed. So I think before we move on to a new script for “banana pi pro” I need to understand why the two platforms failed which should have gone well.

Make sure you have all requisites, you can find them in the script…
Also, run it as root …

“” was executed as “root”, no “su” or “sudo”

In order to avoid further issues I set up a brandnew debian 8.5 (jessie) on a different notebook -

Dependencies are not that easy to find - first I followed the ones that are shown as inline comments at the start of the script - but found then that different set of dependencies are listed in - and there are more dependencies which are not listed at all, e.g.
“sudo” is required in the config-scripts at the end of the procedure - and must be installed by “apt-get install sudo” - OK, easy to fix.

“strip” was also missing which is supposed to be in “core/binutils” but this version doesn’t support “arm” targets - there should be another version in “binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf”, installed into /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/strip
now testing…

Great, thanks for finding them… Could you please add them to the readme?

Ciao tutti!

Will it also work with BANANA PI M64 :: Banana Pi M64, 1,2GHz Quad, 2GB RAM, BT, WLAN?
It’s a 64bit machine.
Otherwise I will buy the Banana pro.


Hi Mick,
note that we do not have direct support to Banana Pi Pro devices (as far as downloadable and supported).
There is a possibility to use the armbian build scripts in case you can build your own.
Please ask if you need more info

found an error in the file in the project, this is the wrong version:

This is the correct version:

However, even with this connection, I could not make a working image for a banana pi m2u.

HI, arm or armv7 would not make a difference for making a bootable version.
I believe your problem is with the broken build script for armbian.
Unfortunately the person who designed it is not maintaining it.
Would it be able for you to give me a logfile of the build process?

I compiled the build with the following commands:

./ -b armv7

./ -d bpim2u -v 2.0

The first one is the same for all armv7 distributions, so I do not think this is the problem here, surely the problem is in the second command that assembles the build, in fact I noticed the warning: "Waiting for more documentation on bpi- M2u, currently initrd does not load ", however this is the log of the execution of the second command:

The build that you get once put on a sd is not readable by a linux system.

By reading the log, I realized that the only error is related to kpartx which is an uninstalled program, so I installed and reloaded the build creation command, even in this case, the resulting build does not work, this is The compilation log:

it does not really matter why the build fails, the BSP from synovoip is crap, we should probably delete the build scripts as nobody got anything running on an M2U. Even the Armbian people never touched it, the M2U is a failure. I just wonder why it is still for sale.
Sorry about the rant, I’m still disappointed that the so called developers never bothered to answer simple questions.