[collected] WiFi Hotspot

Yep security and a switch to turn it off will be added in future.


I’ve only managed to switch the hotspot off by moving all the wireless drivers away from the original system location (as described in http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-remove-wireless-networking-wifi-802-11-support-drivers/ - so it is a brutal solution but I don’t need WIFI for my HifiBerry anyway. The standard methods via ifconfig etc. didn’t work - although I am not a linux guru.

If you try it directly on the device running volumio (as the user ‘volumio’) you would better use these variants:
mkdir -p backup
mv /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless backup/

(it worked for me but no guarantee…)


The simplest way to stop the hotspot kicking in is to rename /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf to some other name eg. /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf.bak.

Almost 2 years on and running on version 2.389.

As a hifi nutter, meaning I’m not into Linux or something like that, I would like to take my setup and play elsewhere at a friend’s home or something, I read that before in this thread.

If Volumio would have DHCP features then it could access my NAS (with a static IP) on demand with nothing more then a patch cable between them, correct?

The hotspot feature is working fine, so combined with DHCP that should work.
