[collected] Dynamic Playlists


is it possible to integrate dynamic playlist generation?

Such as : Last Added.m3u or Last Played.m3u



I put a script in playlist directory named mpdrecently_added_list.sh :

cd /mnt/NAS/NAS && find . -type f -mtime -3  | egrep '\.flac$' | awk '{ sub(/^\.\//, "NAS/NAS/"); print }' > "/var/lib/mpd/playlists/Zuletzt hinzugefuegt.m3u"

Now I got a playlist named “Zuletzt hinzugefuegt.m3u” with the recently added files.

Next step will be a smooth integration in volumio. Dont want to connect via console and start script every time I need to update the list.

I’ve recently changed my DAP from running a headless Libreelec/Kodi to Volumio as Volumio is just better at playing files gapless and Kodi doesn’t play DSD but Kodi’s default web interface (Chorus) and Kodi remote control apps that use the web interface’s API (like Yatse) are so much more featureful and dynamic than Volumio’s kinda basic menu driven interface.

Since using Volumio I’m missing having stuff like ‘Recently Played Albums’, ‘Recently Added’, a ‘Discover’ section (showing previously unplayed releases in your library), ‘Random Albums’ and ‘Random Artists’.
These are great if you have a large library and it can’t be that hard to implement on Volumio surely? It’d make Volumio much nicer to use, not everyone approaches their Hi-Fi to put on a specific pre-chosen album, a lot of the time I like to put something on from my library that’s interesting that I haven’t heard before or have forgotten about and that is harder to do and more time consuming with Volumio.

+1 for Gloomy’s suggestion, I have a large library and these features would be fantastic.
It’s sometimes daunting scrolling through artists looking for something I might like to hear.