Clock display on UI?

+1 for clock display

Sent from my Redmi K20 Pro using Tapatalk

Any movement on this? I’ve just built a touchscreen volumio player and would love a clock screensaver or at least a clock in the UI.

+1 for clock display

-1 :wink:
We are surrounded by clocks :blush:
We need time to ear music … not clock :laughing:

I also like to see a clock on my volumio display.
Since there is no progress here i started my own project based on GitHub - alexanderk23/gluqlo: Gluqlo: Fliqlo for Linux clock.
The clock is basically working, but i need more time to fix some things.
Work in progress… but don’t expect too much. :wink:

I think v1.0 (Alpha) is ready for testing. :sunglasses:
It is simple and maybe ugly, but it works.
There is a Bug left but i don’t know how to fix it. Sometimes the clock does not draw correct. :man_shrugging:
This version is for Raspberry only.
Install instructions:

  1. Extract the files from to /tmp on the raspberry
  2. Log in to console and switch to root (sudo su)
  3. Run the install script: /tmp/ i
  4. To uninstall run: /tmp/ u

Settings (time, brightness etc.) can be changed by editing “”.

Raspberry 4 Volumio 3.x but the Screen remains dark. Any hints how to enable your Screensaver?

Hello Klaus, have you enabled the display plugin? What for a display is in use (i have the original 7" touch screen).

Yes, the display is running well but the clock is not seen. I have also the original 7" touch screen.

Yes you are right, there seems to be a problem.
Edit: Problem found, there are missing librarys. Please try the following:

  1. Login to console
  2. Run this command to install the librarys “sudo apt install libsdl1.2debian libsdl-ttf2.0-0 libsdl-gfx1.2-5”
  3. reboot and see if it works.
    If it works i will create v1.1 :sunglasses:

Sorry, the installation description on github is not complete. For a raspberry installation this doesnt work because some steps are missing. e.g. after download and unpacking of i do make and install, but the command gluglo is not found. the describes something with installation of screensaver, but i dont know how.

Not all Volumio users are programmers and knows everything about installation of programs, so it would be a good idea to deliver a complete installation guide for all platforms. thx

bash-5.0# /tmp/ i
Installing ScreenSaver…
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/opt/vs’: File exists
strip: ‘gluqlo’: No such file
install: cannot stat ‘gluqlo’: No such file or directory
install: cannot stat ‘’: No such file or directory
install: cannot stat ‘vs.service’: No such file or directory
install: cannot stat ‘LICENSE’: No such file or directory
install: cannot stat ‘gluqlo.ttf’: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘/opt/vs/’: No such file or directory
Failed to enable unit: Unit file vs.service does not exist.
bash-5.0# Failed to start vs.service: Unit vs.service not found.

but they are in place… in /tmp/

do we need root? how do we get it ?
volumio3 doesn’t allow root access
rights set to:777

You don’t need the install process on github, just folow my install guide.
But wait until v1.1 is released.

I think you missed step 2. of the install process, sudo su.
But let me check.

nope i used sudo su , but i heard from others that we better can’t use it because it could
screw up your (installation on ) sd i think it safer to create a real installer.

best regards,

Screw up sd card?! Lol, not really. :joy:
When you “think” it is better to create a “real” installer, so please do it :+1:
I tested the installer and it worked. The only thing was that some packages was missing. This will be fixed with v1.1. But i am very busy ATM.

Not was is meant by DVO.
Never run some random code in elevated mode with sudo su. Only do this for pieces where volumio hasn’t the proper rights, with sudo . Just blind performing tasks as sudo su might overwrite parts that blocks access for non SU account, which indeed can cause a installation to break down, not the SD card.

New Version v1.2 with some additional checks and installing the missing packages:

Check the new Readme.txt for install instructions. Installation is now done with “sudo”.
Is it better this way?

I had not much time to test it. So please report if something is wrong.

ATM still only ARM (RaspberryPi) is supported. But of course supporting other platforms is also possible. Option 1 is to build “gluqlo” every time from source during installation. But this needs the whole build environment and waste a lot of space. Option 2 is to build precompiled versions of “gluqlo” for each arch and install them depending on the installed arch.

just some common knowledge. you can google it.

still doesn’t work like you discribe :


  1. Extract the files from to /tmp on the raspberry
  2. Log in to console
  3. Run the install script: sudo /tmp/ i