Cant access WebUI through WiFi.

First, to those involved in the project thanks for putting time and effort into this program, I bought a Pi specifically for it.

So I am able to run the WebUI fine when connected through ethernet, but not through WiFi. I’ve seen some Google hits but they didn’t solve my problem. I’ve installed wicd-curses and can see my Pi connected on the network. However when I go to volumio.local/ I get my isps “search engine” (though this happens with Ethernet as well). When I use my IP address it just times out (this does not happen over Ethernet). Any ideas? I don’t know if its related but I do get a notification telling me that mpd is unable to bind to 0:0:0:0 6600, but that binding to :: works. Thanks for the help and let me know if I need to provide some more specifics!

I see this has about 200 views, but I’m gonna give it a bump. Considering no one has responded, I’m guessing the problem isn’t one that pops up often.

I’ve actually completely reformatted my SD card and started from scratch and had the exact same outcome after installing wicd-curses. Is there any chance it could be router related?

I’m using ethernet cable here, not particularly linux savvy at all, but thought I’d throw in some thoughts and comparisons in case it helps!

Using volumio.local also brings up a google search for me rather than the WebUI.

I find using just volumio works on both PC browser and my phone browser.
However, I’m pretty sure this is ‘router dependant’ as plugging my Pi in round a friends house I can’t use the volumio hostname and have to use the IP address…

Starting with the basics, when you use the WiFi dongle you’ll probably end up with a different IP address than when
you use an ethernet cable. Just check to make sure you’re using the IP address that is assigned when you’re using WiFi

Can you ping the Pi from another machine ?
Open a command prompt in Windows and ping the ip address to see if you get a response.
If you don’t get a ping response then you’ll not reach it via a browser and something is very wrong.

Does the WiFi dongle work on another machine ?

If you do get a reply to your pings, then can you get a logon prompt from the Pi using PuTTY or FileZilla?
This will test to see whether port 22 (SSH) is open and accessible.

If pings work but neither SSH (port 22) and volumio (port 80) doesn’t work, then it would suggest some sort of firewall blocking access.

I would therefore guess that would be some wicd-curses and iptables type shenanigans that need to be googled for!

Yep, same here. It’s always done this for me since using RaspyFi, so I think you can ignore this message!

Anyways, hope it helps or someone else can add their thoughts…

try … ple-guide/
which model of usb dongle do you use ? is it in the green list : ?

Hi everybody,

I would like to follow up this issue, I’m having the same problem. 3 days ago everything was working fine on my volumio installed on a B+ after 2 weeks of use, using this following distrib release :

The Wifi dongle was recognised well, could add/play webradios and listen via DLNA my music.

However, the day after, the micro SD card was mucked up for no reason(Sd card from the Raspberry Pi delivery sold with my RPi), I was just able to connect to the WebUi and that’s it.

I decided to reinstall Volumio with the same release and plug the Ethernet, to the very first access, I can reach volumio.local from my web browsers. I configured then the Wifi, the Rasperry Pi gets an IP address dedicated for both Ethernet (192.1…117) and Wifi (192.1…100) devices.

BUT, if I unplug the Ethernet, I can still see in my rooter IP addresses table that the LAN disappeared, still the WLAN keeps connected, however I can’t reach neither via WebUi nor Putty nor Filezilla my Raspberry my RPi Volumio when only Wifi is connected.

Even in the /etc/network/interface, I can see my Wifi connection details saved to connect with my SSID network, once configured at first the start up after making a new Volumio writing on the SD.

I tried with other distributions such as Pi MusicBox, it works fine with Wifi, ethernet unplugged and Wifi configured.

I’m just bored to go in circles…
Have you any clues ?

Thanks for your enlightenments,

what wlan dongle do you use?


I use this dongle : … ry-pi+wlan

I am so sorry to bump old topic but I have this problem for 2 week but can’t figured it.

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