Can I create a playlist using drag and drop?

Is there a quick way to create a playlist?

Most other tools I have used provide a drag and drop or some other simpler method.

Searching through over 25,000 songs by entering an artist, then an album, then a song, and then clicking on add to a playlist and then selecting from a playlist (and you may want to add to more than one playlist) is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo onerous and time consuming to make creating playlists practically worthless, just seems so archaic.

Am I missing something?


This functionality is not there, however Volumio has Supersearch, where you can just enter a search phrase and AI will get you tracks.

Thanks for getting back so fast.

Not sure if that is a different search than the regular search bar, but it brings up everything related including albums, and tracks unless you search by the exact song title. Which becomes onerous. I have some 30,000+ songs and it will take forever to recreate playlists from iTunes for example, using this method. At least with iTunes, I can scroll down the song list or filter that list, and simply ‘swipe’ the file into a playlist or, in some cases, more than one playlist. Seems like a fairly basic need in a music players