Please insure that you are using version 0.9.5 of the plugin (only v0.9.0 is available on the stable plugin channel). You may also have to restart Volumio. Sorry for the few hiccups getting this plugin up and running for everyone’s situation.
Hi Ron,
On the github site I saw that there was a new version so I installed the beta version already. Then restarted, but unfortunately same error.
The Error message says ‘failed to decode’ and the link listed starts with the extension of my email address for Calm radio.
For example: Failed to decode…
I think there is something wrong with forming the link to the playlist. Everything is fine until I select a playlist.
Thanks for your support.
Yes, there was that issue with forming the link. When developing this, I had only my account to use in figuring out the methods. And my account is so old that they weren’t using email addresses at the time … just simple usernames. Version 0.9.5 should have had the fix for this. At any rate, I’ve submitted version 1.0.0 that should resolve all login and stream playing issues. It’s up to the Volumio maintainers when it shows up on the stable plugin store. Thanks for your patience.
Thank you for your attention.
I have removed the old version. Rebooted, installed the new (beta) version 1.00, but unfortunately still the same issue.
Everything works, until I select a playlist.
Then again the error message with a link that starts with…, instead of…
Pretty strange. Assuming your email is something like, that link should start with:
Is there something about your Calm Radio account email that doesn’t fit into this scenario?
Have you tried logging out in the plugin and logging back in?
I setup a new Calm Radio account for myself (that uses email login) and it works as expected.
I’m stymied. As I hope you can tell, I have no interest in doing something nefarious with your Calm Radio login. In a post above, I indicated an email that could be used to email me login credentials. If you would be willing to do that, maybe it could shed some light. Thanks for your help and patience.
I think there is something wrong with my account. I can log in via the app, but I cannot reach my account on the website.
I will contact their support staff.
I studied your answer again and realized that I used my e-mail address as my account name.
I changed this to a simple name without ‘@’ and that was the trick. The plugin is working fine now.
Thank you very much for your support and the great plugin!
I have a paid Calm account and I login using my Google Account. I’m trying to long into the Calm Radio add-on in Volumio, but it’s not taking my Google credentials. Has anyone else run into this issue?