I Just installed 2.031 but unfortunately i don’t see any settings for 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 and Low frequency cutoff. Any ideas on what i am missing or might be doing wrong?
A quick try on the fly… and an answer:
it is normal, setting lowpass from 60 to 200 in 2.1 and 2.2 mode, that the normal channel become thin? It seems that lowpass works not only for sub channel… but for normal channel too!
It depends on how the filtering is done. Most analog low-pass filters for subwoofers have a 24Db/Octave filterline at somewhere around 50-60hz and will split the signal so that means that the non-subwoofer channels don’t get much low frequency signals.
But as in this case the filtering is totally digital, it is up to the choosen algorythm. Maybe someone can tell how it is implemented or point us to the code of the dsp?
I removed the Kali reclocker, but even Without the Kali and the piano 2.1 connected directly to the RPI 3 i get no sound and do not see the subwoofer options. Only when i select the original Piano dac as output i get sound out of it. I set the Piano 2.1 in rpi compatibilty mode and installed Volumio 2.031 on a brand New sd Card with win32diskimager. Am i missing something in the proces that i cant get it to work as it should?
Yes, i actually rebooted several times. I alsno notices that mixer settings behave very strange when I select the Piano 2.1. It is as the Piano 2.1 is not recognized properly. When I select the normal Pinao Dac I can choose several mixer settings and music is playing. But then there are no subwoofer settings.
Is it possible to post a sreenshot off what the subwoofer settings menu for 2.1, 2.2 and low frequency cutoff should look like?
Yes normal. The xover frequency works by seting a point , lets say 200Hz , so on the LR you will have a HPF …so it will send 200Hz and more to LR and on the sub it will have a LPF sending 200H and lower to your sub. BTW 200 is a bit high,try 90Hz xover
Thank you Marcellom. As you said earlier we have the same setup and with Volumio 2.027, 2.030 and 2.031 i am missing the DSP Program menu. @Allo: i have a brand new Piano 2.1 dac. Are there possibly any changes in the latest batch of 2.1 dacs that might cause the missing dsp settings?