This is slightly puzzling, as I’ve now moved to the Pi 2.001 release and keep checking for updates; none appear as “You’re already on the latest version” is what comes back. Yet, I’ve seen comments about later versions than 2.001, and now this.
Ah, this is about DACs, this forum…
Right, is there anyone reading this who could comment on the difference between a HFB Pro with additional 5v power to the analog side( … wer-supply) against the Kali/Mambo LS monster?
It does not appear because it has not been released yet. To see it you you must enable test mode (I need to write this on the docs).
I suggest you to download a flash the version above.
Ah ok Michelangelo… you must have a little patience with this newbie
My sub is an old sony with a mono input. Tomorrow ill try a sub with 2 inputs.
Anyway, after reboot and few second it play… thw first thing i notice is that in 16-44 files sub sounds very thin… normal in other formats.
Ill write tomorrow others info after a long test…
Yes Michelangelo… ah the good news is that now, choosing the piano dac driver, theres no latency when start to play a song and passing from a song to another… before i had about 2 or 3 second latency! Thats great…
I’m also getting Failed to open audio otuput error with 2.2 mode but after a moment and few clicks on Play-button the music starts to play. Another problem occurs with the volume control because it has no effect on the subwoofer.
The system is also very unstable with mp3, 16/44.1 files and some webradios. The music plays but the system is not responding to webgui or SSH.
Tried two different SDcards, formatted with SDFormatter en wrote the img with Etcher. No ethernet connection at all. Waited more than 5 minutes. No luck.
Despite the problems with the driver when playing music, DAC adjustment functions are ok. Adjusting the cutoff frequency and switching mode between 2.0 and 2.2 works perfectly.
Here I am: my tests. I set on the interface choosing Allo piano dac 2.1, other settings are in default mode.
2.0… normal channels on, sub off, no problems, no drops out, no errors.
Setting field in 2.1 mode, after the restart, i have try to play a 16-bit file.
After several attempts to play and errors (failed to open output) dac has started playing. The sub sounds thin and I had to get closer to hear something.
After that i try to play a 24-bit file.
The some several errors with output but after that the dac started to play properly. The volume its ok and normal and the sub output works togheter… sub sounds well and everything works properly.
I tried to hear difference between FIR and Ringing settings but passes a long time between reboots, im not feeling differences…
Michelangelo… ask, how can i help you?
Edit: I use Volumio with Rpi3.
I am working with the Sparky instead of RPI. Can that be why Volumio does not boot? I attached a screen to hdmi. Nothing happens. If I put on the Max2Play version of Allo, it starts up normally.
Marcellom, I think your system didn’t finish the firstboot script. If you don’t mind, could you please reflash it, leave it alone for 5 minutes in the first boot and then retry all the above?
Is the issue still there?
Thanks for your report! So it seems that we still have some work to do to make it work perfectly.
So unfortunately, I will not put the Allo 2.1 on sale until we sort out everything: we want to give our members the trust to know that they will get stuff that works great with Volumio…
So all of those who are interested to get it, a little more patience and we’ll fix the issues and then put it on sale…