Allo DiGiOne S/PDIF Output turn On/off and AYON CD 07 problems

Hello forum community, I have a problem with my Allo Digione and my Ayon CD 07 CD player. The following happens: When Volumio is started, the SPDIF switches on briefly and switches off again after about 5 seconds. As soon as I start playback, the output switches back on and the music plays. If I pause the music or if playback ends, the Digione switches the output off again. It’s actually not a problem since everything works, but in the Ayon a relay switches as soon as the status of the signal changes. With the picoreplay… I didn’t have the problem there, the output was always active. Am I missing a setting? My setup: RPi 3B with Allo Digione. Thank you in advance for your help and I look forward to your replies. Greetings Marc

this is something related to driver behavior, if picoreplay works differently maybe they use different options for the dt-overlay in confix.txt (or they play constantly silence)

please have a look to both config.txt files, to see if there is any difference in the dt-overlay configuration on the two systems

Darmur thank you for your answer. That means it’s not an error but Volumio switches off the output as long as there is no playback? The question is whether this can be changed. And if it makes sense. Greetings Marc